Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Giver

(Be careful, have spoilers)

I don't know what I expected when a started to read the book "The Giver", by Lois Lowry. However, in the end I liked a lot. 

The book bring to us many problems of the history of the humankind, being the main problem the Totalitarism, the oppression over the people of the community. 

The way that the author choose to show her ideas was amazing, always culminating in an excellent explanation. 

I liked in particular from some details: the reason why Jonas saw the apple and the crowd of a different way, being actually the beginning to him to see the colors; the way like the assignments was distributed; and the most important the assignment of the Receiver of Memories. 

Was genius the idea of to share the Memories, the way like this was made, the memories itself, teaching to Jonas simple things like love and pain. The author had insightful with how Jonas was learning about his past, with all the wars and diseases. 

However, during all my reading, something bothered me: the releases!!!!!

Had something wrong with the releases, I thought. In my mind I wondered myself “If they are released and go to Everywhere, why nobody can watch the Releases Ceremonies?” My question was answered in a way macabre in the end with the poor twin. And this is something admirable in any good book: arrest the reader’s attention to him wish that don’t happening what he imagines. I’ve been in this situation, but the obvious was the true: all the people released were killed. This, however, don’t downgrades her work, unlike, makes it even better. 

I said that I don't know what I expected when a started to read the book, but during all the reading I knew what I wanted that happen in the next page. 

Excellent book. I recommend. 

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