Sunday, October 12, 2014

The racism is a problem that the society never overcome. 
The meaning of racism in the Oxford Dictionary is “The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races”. 
Actually, the term “Racism” for the biology is completely wrong, because all humans are from the same “Race”, the race Homo s. sapiens. The variations are, actually, ethnic variations. The Africans, Asians, Americans are biologically equal, so the use of the term “Racism” is incorrect. The correct would be use the term “Ethnicism”, but the common will continue being racism.
For foreigners like me, is tangible the barrier that divide White Americans from Black Americans. They do not mix in any activity, neither to eat, play sports. Neither activity is shared among them. For someone like me, that arrived from a country like Brazil, this situation is very strange.
I always heard about the American equality, about how the people here was exactly equal before the law and everything about this. Was a big deception arrive here and find this reality.  This kind of news do not out from U.S. The media is very competent to hide these kind of information.
After all, how can be possible to exist discrimination in the land of freedom and equality?
The situation is so absurd that is perceptible do not have people as we call in Brazil “Parda”. Here the correct term probably should be “Brown”. At least in almost two months I never saw one. I suppose this occurs because there are not miscegenation here. The White American married among them, and the same occur with the African American.
This situation is proved with statistics. In the article “For African Americans, discrimination is not dead”, Carroll Doherty, demonstrates that 88% of Americans, including White and Black Americans, said there was a lot or some discrimination against blacks.  From this total, 46% saw a lot of discrimination. This statistics are very concerning, and if nothing is done, this reality will perpetuate forever. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a very serious issue that unfortunately proliferates in society. It is incredibly interesting to read your perspective as an individual that is viewing American culture from the outside.
