Friday, August 29, 2014

My name is Gabriel Molina and I am from Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Although all the problems, I like my country.
I like to live in Sao Paulo, the biggest Brazilian city. Moreover I like to watch TV, to read a books, listen music and my favorite sport is soccer. I spend much time watching games by TV. This is a common habit in my country in Wednesdays and on weekends.
I watch many films per week of different genres, but my favorites is science fiction and adventure.
In the literature field I like to read medieval fantasy stories, like The Lord of the Rings and adventure books like harry Potter.
I dislike of wake up early; people typing frenetic in their cellphones talking with me without look me and, finally, to do long trips in airplanes.
About U.S. I liked a lot principally the will of the people in help each other in any place: banks, markets, and obviously in WIU. This is an American thing that is amazing. Everybody help.
Nevertheless, I dislike the American food. It’s not too bad, but to eat hamburger and French fries every day, since the breakfast is absurd.
We came from Brazil and there we eat toast, fruits and we drink coffee with milk in breakfast and this is very healthy. We eat hamburger just on weekends, when we go to the movies or other places to wander.
So the food is being a problem for me.
My goals in WIU are finished the WESL with maximum fluency and after take the courses to complete the minor in Plant Breeding. That is my field of study.
In relation of my long term goals I intend to graduate in Agriculture and became a researcher in Plant Breeding.
Everything in going right.

1 comment:

  1. I love the books you mentioned above! It is unfortunate that the food options in the cafeteria are so distasteful, most Americans do not eat hamburgers and french fries on a daily basis. Hopefully more options will be available to you and don't be afraid to try some new things, that's part of experiencing a new culture!
